
Tom just merged a pull request of mine that adds IPv6 support to the xastir
TCP server. I was thinking about adding support to the UDP server and
xastir_udp_client next.

The pattern I am familiar with when programming for IPv6 capable programs
is to get a list of addrinfo structures back from getaddrinfo() and loop
through each one until you successfully connect. That's fine for TCP but is
less obvious for UDP where you don't actually connect.

I have a few ideas on how to handle this, but it depends on if it is a
problem if xastir receives the same message from UDP multiple times. I'm
looking at three scenarios:

1) It can cause problems, it is best to avoid duplicate messages - Allow a
decent amount of time (15 seconds?) for a response before moving onto the
next address.

2) It could cause some minor problems, but isn't a big deal - Allow a small
amount of time (1-2 seconds) before moving onto the next address.

3) No problem what so ever - Go with an even shorter delay before sending
to the next address (half a second or less.). Or maybe just blast the
message to every address on the list and take the first response we get.

I consider extra unneeded RF transmissions in the "problem" category.

Any thoughts on the subject would be appreciated.

Thanks and 73
- Jason, N0RPM

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