I'll probably have to wait until the fix is in:

dflood@gentoo ~/src/Xastir $ git checkout -b undo-ipv6client
Switched to a new branch 'undo-ipv6client'
dflood@gentoo ~/src/Xastir $ git revert d8361698
error: commit d83616984b34c2c7b7bc0e1e76073931bdf6ef09 is a merge but no -m option was given.
fatal: revert failed
dflood@gentoo ~/src/Xastir $

Also, is there a tag that David can check out from to bypass this one until it 
gets fixed?

No tag, but it's easy to remove the code to bypass the issue temporarily.

   git checkout -b undo-ipv6client
   git revert d8361698

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