On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 9:01 PM, Kevin Ratcliff<ke...@kevinratcliff.com> wrote:
> Thanks Richard. I installed qgis and opened the original shapefile. No
> connecting lines at all when I view it in qgis. Qgis had an export
> function that allowed me to do the conversion from the NAD83 UTM to
> the WGS84 LatLong shapefile format, but when I try to display that
> converted file in Xastir I still get the connecting line segments. I
> can open it back up in qgis and it still looks fine (no connecting
> lines).

This is resolved now. Another SAR team member opened the original
shapefile in grass and did an export. Then I ran it through the
ogr2ogr command to get it into WGS84 LatLon format and it worked, with
no connecting lines in Xastir!

I'm still not sure why it showed the connecting lines in the original
shapefile and in the exports from ArcGIS and qgis. I suppose grass
must do something special during its export.

Thanks everyone for your help.

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