I was recently in the Murietta/Temecula areas and was not able to get any data out to the APRS system. I had a perfect track all the way from BC down to the areas just north of Murietta. There are a few digi's in the area which I could hear but my OT would not "trigger" the digi's. I was able to see US vehicles in the area on aprs.fi however my tracker was not being digi'ed. I did talk to one of the operators down there and he says nothing is different from the other parts of the country, but there must be something different. As soon as I left the area to return, everything started tracking again. Nothing was done to my equipment.

It is not a real big deal, but it sure is curious. Perhaps they have a filter on the digi's or something, which does not allow "VE's to be digi'ed.

Anyone have any contacts which may shed some light on the situation.

Propagation Knows No Boundaries
73 de Tom,  ve7did

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