Sorry for the off topic, but I am not sure where to start and I figured some of you folks probably know.. Any suggestions on what I should search on?

I want a method to calculate the locations of N points from a dataset of locations that has a minimum cumulative distance. That, what are the locations of a given number of Basepoints so that the distance from the dataset to one of he basepoints is minimized. Specifically, if I have a set of all the locations in a service area and I want to know where to place service providers in the dataset, were should I put them if I have two service providers, where should I put them if I have three providers, etc.

I am sure I did this as a home work problem long ago in a computer programming class, but I can't seem to come up with a simple means of doing it. I am betting the method is detailed out there somewhere, but I can't find the correct search parameters.

Please send any suggestions to me at

jim at RiverRidge-WI dot net

Thanks all................ jt
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