<snip>I'm not all about the flashy maps... don't take that the wrong way 
either, put a nice map display in front of me, and I start drooling. <snip>

Me neither; I detest eye candy as it only adds wow factor at the expense of 
system resources and headaches for the developers.
I do like accurate maps though; hence my persistence in getting my 1:25000 
AGD66 maps to work with Xastir (still a work in progress BTW; I will crack 
this nut!!!).
Being able to see the location of a station (maybe requiring assistance) on a 
1:25000 scanned topo map is HEAPS better than on a 1:250000 map. This becomes 
even more critical if directing other units onto that location, with the 
1:25K maps giving more details.
Gripes aside, I think the developers have done a fantastic job with Xastir. I 
learn more every time I use it and look forward to the learning curve 

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