On Feb 5, 2010, at 10:04 AM, Tom Russo wrote:

Because the Ubuntu repositories routinely stick at old versions.  As I
understand it, the package maintainer is neither an Xastir user nor a
subscriber to any Xastir list. In fact, I thought I read recently that the package maintainer was no longer actively maintaining it, and they were
looking for a new one.

If you want point-and-click installation, you are at the mercy of the binary
maintainer.  If you want current code, you need to roll your own.

I believe the last time I checked, it was still 1.9.4. We're on 1.9.8 now. It is possible that they are at 1.9.6 -- if so, they bumped it shortly before
the 1.9.8 release.

The version of Xastir in the latest (9.10) Ubuntu is actually a recompilation of the version contained in the Debian testing repository (the released version of Debian has 1.9.2). This is the case for many of the Ubuntu packages. If 1.9.8 gets into Debian testing soon, it might make it into the next release of Ubuntu (10.4 in April).

Bob, N7XY

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