If you guys are so impressed you should have seen what we here north of the border had to put up with for maps. This is nothing short of stupendous. Buy that man a beer, or 2.


On 06/09/2010 08:28 PM, James Ewen wrote:
On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 2:44 PM, Curt, WE7U<curt.w...@gmail.com>  wrote:

They sure are pretty aren't they?  I already like them better than
Tigermaps.  Once the issues are resolved we'll definitely be several
steps forward.
'cept for the people not served well by OSM...
But the good thing here is that you can grab your box of digital
crayons, and colour away... need more roads and more details in your
area? Just add them in.

The more people and applications that use OSM, the more people there
are that might help add to the map.

OSM has been working towards a critical mass for quite a while now.
Many people in the past have looked at the database, and said "There's
no data in my area, it's no good to me!". We've been working hard at
adding more data, and are currently in the middle of importing huge
amounts of government data into Canada to fill in the holes. Because
the database is getting filled out, when people look at the OSM
project now, it is a little more palatable. Now perhaps instead of
just saying "It's not good enough!", they might now use it, and
possibly be inclined to add data or corrections.

Including OSM in Xastir is just going to add that much more visibility
to the OSM project, and perhaps find a few more helping hands to add
more data.

The Haiti earthquake is a marvelous example of crowd sourcing. Before
the earthquake, Port Au Prince was just a couple roads. After the
earthquake, the whole of the area was mapped within days by people
working together. Positions of trapped people were even placed on the
map by outsiders who received phone calls from the trapped victims.
Rescuers were able to look at the map, and know where to send SAR
teams. It was actually an amazing example of worldwide teamwork. Take
a look at the videos if you have a chance.

Port Au Prince, Haiti

Video of the crowd source mapping response to the earthquake

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