I tried XASTIR 1.9.8 on FEDORA Core 13 with weather coming from Oregeon Scientific WMR968. Xastir runs, but I can't get weather data. I have tried taking data direct over the serial port and from the daemon WX200D. No data seen on the map or when I view own weather data. I can use the client program, wx200 and see data. I used picocom and can see data coming from the device over ttyS0. I tried accessing the data from another machine (I have two WMR968 Consoles) no data. I do see data from another machine using <ip>:9753 with wx200.

I had the same problem using Ubunto 10.04

Computer is a dual core AMD with 2GB ram. Xastir is a binary downloaded using Add/Remove Software FC13. I also tried compiling when I had Ubuntu installed.

Stumped at this end....John AA9VT
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