Hi John,

I also use a USB receiver (UniTraQ BT-5722) and gpsd with Xastir. I find it quite handy to use xgps (part of gpsd-tools on Fedora) to monitor sat status and the gpsd feed. And, fwiw, using a CVS update of Xastir compiled this evening - it's all working fine here.

As I understand it, gpsd passes along the serial $GPSx strings as they're received from the receiver. Not sure what 'new format' you're talking about.


On 06/13/2010 03:12 PM, John"D" Thompson wrote:
Hi running Xastir  V1.9.9 compiled from svn 6/13/2010. GPSD V2.92-4
configured localhost 2947. I run mobile with laptop, and kiss tnc and USB
gps puck (bu353) I get errors when monitoring gps in "interface control" and
looking at the data in the lower left corner xastir reports 0 sats and fix
invalid. I suspect it is a error asscociated with the new format gpsd is
using but not certain. possibly there is a workaround I have not found? I
have 3Dfix and good gps data running XGPS, also have used this hardware
combination with success with older versions of xastir/gpsd. P.S. The OSM
support is fantastic, thank you.

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