"Curt, WE7U" <curt.w...@gmail.com> wrote:

>On Sat, 31 Jul 2010, David Flood wrote:
>> So is the "long url" issue with libcurl fixed?  Or do people that have to
>> use --without-libcurl to force the use of wget just out of luck?
>Depends on your distribution.  It's been fixed in libcurl for a long
>time but my OpenSuSE distribution still has the broken version.
>Evidently not a lot of people run into the problem.  The good news
>for me, if I choose to accept it, is that OpenSuSE-11.3 was released
>recently (according to Ken).  I haven't installed it anywhere yet.

11.3 has libcurl 7.20.1 from April latest is 7.21.0

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