On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 2:21 PM, David A Aitcheson
<david.aitche...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Guys,
> Well some how a Launchpad PPA needs to stay reasonably close to the
> latest CVS so it is more current than 1.9.4 that is currently in the
> repository that is totally broken with the loss of Tiger Maps.
> Do what you can if you can, otherwise I'll clean the mess up starting in
> late December after Fall semester finals are done, and hope to get the
> mess cleaned up by late January when Spring semester starts.
> If someone can script a daily or weekly update to a PPA that is named
> "XASTIR" that would then be picked up by Debian/Ubuntu then most of the
> problems would be solved.  I do not have the time or knowledge to do so
> at this time.

I think as long as anyone creating/maintaining an Xastir binary for
Ubuntu, whether it is a PPA or not, copies the Xastir list whenever
the binary is updated (and provides instructions on how to install it
- preferably by updating the Xastir Wiki), we should be fine.  The
users can choose whether they want to change their repository settings
and install a PPA or just download a deb package and install it with


Lee - K5DAT
Murphy, TX
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