On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 01:27:11PM -0800, we recorded a bogon-computron 
collision of the <curt.w...@gmail.com> flavor, containing:
> > I'm trying to figure out a way to support a filtered gating of such
> > information for any IGates running APRSISCE/32 and they'll probably be
> > based on the NWS office being explicitly specified in the filter
> > component(s).
> That's how we do it in Xastir.

That's how you do it in javAPRSSrvr operating as an IGate, too.  You simply
specify the prefixes (in my case, ABQ) designating the NWS office that are
to be gated.  

Tom Russo    KM5VY   SAR502   DM64ux          http://www.swcp.com/~russo/
Tijeras, NM  QRPL#1592 K2#398  SOC#236        http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?DDTNM
 "The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off."

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