On Jan 31, 2011, at 6:54 AM, Curt, WE7U wrote:

> On Sun, 30 Jan 2011, Chip G. wrote:
>> OK, for those of us who have no experience with SVN and have been using CVS 
>> for years. How about some hints on how to make the switch. I've got a 
>> streamlined process for CVS that works like a champ. I'm not thrilled about 
>> making the swap, but given some info I suppose I can do it. There is a 
>> README for CVS but not for SVN in the Xastir directory.
> And no reason for one yet.  You can't do multiple types with one code 
> repository.  In other words, we're still using CVS, and only CVS, until they 
> force a change to SVN on us or we request it.

I'm not sure how the author does it, but DX Spider can be updated (at least for 
downloading updates) using either CVS or GIT.  I switched to GIT when I 
migrated it to my Sheevaplug.

Checking with Google it appears that git has CVS server emulation, in which 
case it might be an easier transition than subversion.

Bob, N7XY

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