James I was not aware of the TT4 problems with the 8.2 firmware.  I dropped
off the aprssig a while back due to flame wars.  The firmware version is
correct.  I will double check the digipeaters tonight.  I believe the icon
and text being sent is not correct.  Both machines do support WideN-N.  I
need to double check TxN-N.  I reviewed their settings about a year ago and
did make some tweaks based on Bob's suggestions.

On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 5:30 PM, James Ewen <ve6...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 3:23 PM, Guy Story KC5GOI <kc5...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I never said in 15 years of personal APRS activity including setting up
> > digipeaters and operating the second igate (aprsD) in the Dallas/Ft Worth
> > area for better than 12 years that 9600 baud was a bad idea.  All I said
> > was that this has been talked about and the pitfalls discussed.  I know
> > about the experiments to a limited extent and I encourage it.  I just do
> > not have time to start it in Denton Co.
> On a somewhat related note...
> The digipeaters that you have set up running under the W5NGU callsign
> running the 8.2 firmware have uncovered a problem with Byon's
> digipeating code in the TT4.
> I've been helping a new APRS operator set up a digipeater in Denison,
> and the combination of the bug in the KPC-3 v8.2 firmware and the TT4
> digipeating error makes for some interesting packet handling.
> The v8.2 UITRACE routine doesn't mark the used up path properly,
> leaving it with the has-been-digipeated bit unset.
> K5SLT-9>SSPR7R,W5NGU-3*,WIDE2:`|OLl K\]"69}Hi from Ken in Plano using
> TM-D710&G5 =
> The TT4 doesn't properly honor the SSID (-0), and assumes that WIDE2
> is asking for a hop.
> K5SLT-9>SSPR7R,W5NGU-3*,W5DWH-3*,WIDE2*:`|OLl K\]"69}Hi from Ken in
> Plano using TM-D710&G5 =
> The result is that every packet that is handled by a KPC-3 v8.2 ends
> up getting one extra hop from a TT4 based digi.
> Not much we can do about the KPC-3 as that's abandoned, but we need to
> get Byon to correct the TT4 digipeating routines.
> BTW, Guy, do you support TXn-N digipeating? The Rosston machine is
> reporting that it does not support WIDEn-N or TXn-N, while the Denton
> machine is reporting that it is still supporting the older callsign
> overwrite UIFLOOD supported WIDEn-N digipeating.
> There have been changes made in the past 15 years, and updates as to
> how we set up digipeaters. I'm thinking that you've probably made some
> of those changes, but the information coming out of the digipeaters
> doesn't reflect those changes.
> --
> James
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