On Sun, 16 Sep 2012, Tom Russo wrote:

You might try reconfiguring and rebuilding Xastir with the following:
 /path/to/xastir/configure CFLAGS="-O0 -g -fno-inline"
 make && sudo make install

and when it segfaults use "gdb" to figure out where it's crashing.

Can also try the "xastir -v4095 2>&1 >xastir-debug.log" trick.  That will turn 
on all debugging and write everything out to a file.  Look through the file to see if there are 
additional hints about how/where it crashed.

Curt, WE7U.        http://wetnet.net/~we7u
APRS Device Capabilities:  http://wetnet.net/~we7u/aprs_device_capabilities.html
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