I removed Xastir completely. Both by telling my package manager to removeit, 
and then by manually going to all of the directory locations ~/... and user 
share…. and manually deleting all of the files. I them re-installed it by 
having the package manager re-install.
I then went to the web and looked up every version of a .map file I could find, 
and installed them in the user/share/xaster/map directory.

 I havelots of vector line drawigs, but no raster maps.
They are sucky for quality, but at least they work. I have no Raster maps. I 
would love to get some and I have looked at some on line, but I am having 
troubole getting the descriptor files to go with them the ones with the upper 
left/north west and lower right/ south east longetude and lattitude data as 
well as the pixel count.

So for now It works but it sucks. I have not given up. eventually I will get it 
to work right in spite of the lack of support fom the community rather than 
because of it.

  Thanks for asking.


Michael Gregory

On 2013-10-21, at 5:06 PM, "Curt, WE7U" <curt.w...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 18 Oct 2013, Michael Gregory wrote:
>> I just set up linux mint 15 and downloaded Xastir 2.0. When I enable Auto 
>> maps and disable "Auto Map - Disable Raster Map" The program goes to the web 
>> and downloads the map for my area,?over and over and over and?..
>> It acts as though it is indexing and reading from one file location, and 
>> storing the maps somewhere else.
>> The software will display the correct map, but keeps downloading it 
>> repeatedly.
>> How can I get it to index and store properly and then use the local map?
> I didn't see anyone else respond yet.  Thanks for going through the trouble 
> to get on the list.  Getting answers from now on should be easier 'cuz you 
> have access to the hundreds of subscribers here to ask questions of.
> I'm curious whether you may have had an earlier Xastir installed before you 
> installed 2.0.  There was a change a while back to where some things were 
> stored.
> If you haven't done much configuration since the install, you might consider 
> stopping Xastir, then deleting the ~/.xastir directory completely.  Start 
> Xastir up again and it will re-create it for you.  Of course all of your 
> settings will be gone.  See if that fixes your map download problem though.  
> Here are the commands:
>    Stop Xastir
>    cd
>    rm -rf .xastir
>    Start Xastir up again
> A slightly less drastic measure (keeping a backup of your configs) would be 
> to do this:
>    Stop Xastir
>    cd
>    mv .xastir .xastir.save
>    Start Xastir up again
> This will do the same as previously described but you can go look at 
> ~/.xastir.save/config/xastir.cnf to see what your previous settings were.  
> You can also delete the new directory and rename the save directory back to 
> the original if you wish.  Like this:
>    Stop Xastir
>    cd
>    rm -rf .xastir
>    mv .xastir.save .xastir
>    Start Xastir up again
> Please try one of the first two sets of commands and let us know if it fixes 
> your problem.
> -- 
> Curt, WE7U.        http://wetnet.net/~we7u
> APRS:  Where it's at!        http://www.xastir.org
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