Hi Lee....im wondering if we are both thinking the same thing about "messages" that are gated by an I-gate

the igate that VK4ZZ puts out takes the "beacons" that stations send to APRS-IS
from within a radius of his station and retransmits them via RF to a local
repeater which repeats them to the local area...his I-gate is down at the
moment for repair and im attempting to provide backup in the meantime

Aprsg is setup to do what his station does .....take the "beacons" from the Inet and send them out on RF to the repeater VK4RAT-3 ...its doing a very good job
of it..

the setup in Xastir or other igate software i havent found to do this....are they
supposed to do it and if not why not

73 David VK4BDJ

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