All the talk lately about offline maps prompted me to try converting the
latest USGS Topo maps from geoPDF format to geoTiff using the script.  I did this back in 2011 or 2012 after Tom KM5VY
created the script.  At that time it was a requirement (at least in the
Ubuntu/Debian world) to install gdal from source because the version in the
repository was too old.

The binary version of gdal in today's Ubuntu repo's is newer than the one I
had to compile 3-4 years ago, so I thought I would give it a go using
that.  I downloaded a geoPDF map for my area, and ran the script.

$ ./ -f VA_Leesburg_20130613_TM_geo.pdf
User asked us to fudge the neatline, finding nearest 7.5 minute quad
Warning 1: libXML: 0: Element 'GeometryField': Character content other than
whitespace is not allowed because the content type is 'element-only'.
Creating output file that is 12245P x 12245L.
Processing input file VA_Leesburg_20130613_TM_geo.pdf.
Using band 4 of source image as alpha.
Using band 4 of destination image as alpha.
ERROR 1: Bad color space dict'
ERROR 1: Pos = 9046254, Bad image parameters
ERROR 1: Bad color space dict'
ERROR 1: Pos = 9046254, Bad image parameters
ERROR 1: Bad color space dict'
ERROR 1: Pos = 9046254, Bad image parameters
ERROR 1: Bad color space dict'
ERROR 1: Pos = 9046254, Bad image parameters
ERROR 1: Bad color space dict'
ERROR 1: Pos = 9046254, Bad image parameters
ERROR 1: Bad color space dict'

I aborted the script at this point.  Oh well, it appears the latest
geoPDF's have issues.  I could try building gdal from source including
compiling in the required poppler support, but if the issue was gdal or
poppler related I think the errors would be different.  Also I was trying
to find an offline map solution that did not require building a package
like gdal from source.

Lee - K5DAT
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