Looks very promising Lee.  This script kiddie setup Xastir until 
./configuresaid support for everything was in there before hitting make.
Looking forward to the helpfile.  Thanks heavens for a high speed connectionat 
work I can get volumes across off hours.

      From: Lee Bengston <lee.bengs...@gmail.com>
 To: Xastir - APRS client software discussion <xas...@xastir.org> 
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 10:38 PM
 Subject: Re: [Xastir] GeoPDF try
OK, got the conversions working.  Some screen shots are available via the
links below:

Screen shot 1 - the geotiff file for Leesburg, VA as displayed in the
ristretto image viewer in Xubuntu 15.04.

Screen shot 2 - the same geotiff file displayed in Xastir.  Still a decent
offline map, but it doesn't display the text as clearly.

I'll plan to provide detailed instructions for the following:

- where to download the geoPDF maps
- what Xastir needs in order to support geoTiff maps
- how to install what is required to convert the USGS geoPDF files to
geoTiff files
- how to convert the files with the applicable perl script
- where to put the maps so Xastir can use them

Lee - K5DAT

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