More to the story, folks.

It's been a while, but I'm still on the case. I went through a laborious process: clear off a 4GB USB stick for mkusb to create a Kubuntu 15.04 stick (non-persistent) to then create a persistent 15.04 USB stick (8MB, which left me enough room to play. It has all I need for mobile use too, except storage room). In the process, 2x 16GB sticks failed, one now permanently read-only, the other permanently completely blank. $30-odd down the drain :( xastir built perfectly on this 8G stick, so the problem is somewhere in the libgraphicsmagick-dev or its use or supporting lib(s). The Kubuntu upgrade 15.04->15.10 or the RasPi upgrade Wheezy->jessie kills the ability to build. The 8GB stick doesn't have enough room to upgrade to 15.10, so I'm about to create a 15.04 on a HD partition which will. That will tell me if a 15.04 build will run in 15.10 (will it use the upgraded runtime libs?). I haven't tried to upgrade Wheezy->jessie on the Pi to test this there - SD cards are expensive to me too. I just burn a Jessie image and tailor it.

   Anyone else done any more yet?


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