Continuing the saga:
>      The 8GB stick doesn't have enough room to upgrade to 15.10, so I'm
>about to create a 15.04 on a HD partition which will. That will tell me
>if a 15.04 build will run in 15.10 (will it use the upgraded runtime
     Yep, the 15.04 build runs fine using 15.10  - AFAIK. I did the
upgrade to 15.10 via the Muon updater's Upgrade, then checked it with
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, and that reported no
issues, but the System Settings > System Info still reports it's 15.04.
What's the command-line check? There ought to be something that reports
the true OS, uname -o just reports GNU/Linux, not very helpful.
Sorry, Upgrade not completed at that stage. Now done, and I can report that the 15.04 CVS build of xastir 2.0.7 will run fine in the upgraded-to 15.10 system/. /I//initially left the obsoleted packages in place//. ~/src/xastir/configure reported no graphicsmagick to build with, so I cleared the obsoleted packages with sudo apt-get autoremove. There didn't seem to be anything graphics-related there. I tried a temporary replacement of the xastir binary in my main 15.10 system, but the raster maps did not show. Looks like there's a difference of some sort between the 15.04/15.10 upgraded system and the straight 15.10.

Raspberry Pi follows similar trend. Wheezy-system CVS build of xastir 2.0.7 runs fine in the upgraded-to-Jessie system, but will not build with raster maps there.
... Anyone point me to a sane method of removing Grub,
restoring the original MBR? I put the root (MBR) grub on before
switching to the USB 2 port, so it's superfluous).
Still looking for an answer to this... Anyone???

73 all, and a fine festive season.
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