I imagine this user is using the VE7FET AX.25 sources that contained some significant fixes that weren't in the Official AX.25 sources some time ago:

   ax25-apps: 1.0.5
   ax25-tools: 1.0.3
   libax25: 1.0.5

It seems the VE7FET repo is now becoming stale (late update was May 2016) yet the Official AX.25 sources have been getting attention again (last update was June 2017). Unfortunately, there haven't been any new tagged versions in the Official AX.25 repo a VERY VERY long time. I also don't know if the official AX.25 repos applied a lot of the fixes that were put into the VE7FET repo. Ultimately, none of these improvements found in the Official AX.25 repo will make it into a mainline Linux distro until they tag something new and make an official release.


On 07/11/2017 08:03 PM, Dave wrote:
If I'm reading this right, somehow your system got a massively updated version of libax25 installed. I checked the Debian package lists and they don't list anything higher than 0.0.12-rc(some number) so I'm not sure where that version got pulled in.

I'd suggest you uninstall libax25 and then install only libax25-dev followed by libax25...that hopefully will keep the two packages in sync..


On 7/11/2017 1:23 PM, Gayland Gump wrote
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
libax25-dev : Depends: libax25 (= 0.0.12-rc2+cvs20120204-3) but 1.0.5-1 is
to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages."

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