I haven't been paying particular attention here, and meanwhile Raspbian has been upgraded to "Stretch". The auto-build git script from 175moonlight.com (for Wheezy and Jessie) builds fine (once you remove the "5.1" from the libdb entry - that hasn't been needed for years, on any platform AFAIK), and all runs perfectly - then I get to choosing maps - WHAT?? only 2 entries for 'online', a .gov US-centric one and a .ca Canadian. Do you think you North-Americans are the only Hams doing APRS? My long-running stable version under 'Jessie" had a goodly selection, including OSM_tiled (I use the mapnik one), and would dearly like it/them back. Has there been a block on APRS usage? and if not, what hoops and hurdles are involved in restoring this internationally-vital functionality?

And a major fail: closing Xastir down leaves the desktop with no Panel! i.e. no menu to close my Pi3 down gracefully - crash city, with risk of Card corruption!

More work required, methinks?

73 de ZL2DEX ...

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