x11-utils provides xfontsel

Ray vk2tv

On 02/11/17 00:58, Jason KG4WSV wrote:
On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 9:17 PM, Joseph LaFerla <j...@laferla.ca> wrote:

I am running xastir on my Stretch pi and have a question about changing fonts.  
I did look around the archives and googled but I still cannot get xfontsel to 
work.  I choose configure|fonts and the fonts window opens up and all the 
xfontsel buttons on the right hand side are greyed out.  I tried to do an 
apt-get install xfontsel but that didn’t work either.  What am I doing wrong or 
is this another problem with Stretch?’
sounds like you may not have the x11-utils package loaded. xfontsel is
no longer part of the default distribution on many distros.

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