Very valid question and I believe the answer is no.  I believe there are 
usage/copyright issues involved here although there is an ArcGIS photomap 
database that is usable and cacheable with APRSIS/32.  Pretty decent up close 
but not the latest aerial photoset.
I have seen some "small time" specialists" NMEA tracking apps that would live 
download and had a caching optionfor a famous online photomap but that F.O.P. 
outfit will "adjust" their servers to ignore an apps request if "they" don't 
like it.Yeah, they can do that.  The ANDROID NMEA app that did that is: that link doesn't work use the usual prefix.  Only the OSM 
set works now for live online and caching.
Incidentally, a simple python script: Jason KG4WSV allows one to use 
Xastir to track a simple NMEA tracker.  Google"NMEA tracking with Xastir" and 
"gps2aprs.txt" if interested. (It simply converts 
the NMEA string to a "pseudo" APRS string and pipes it to Xastir.  Mustmake 
sure one knows which /dev the NMEA receiver is on and compose thatin the script.)
A half way decent cacheable mapset would be a nice addition to Xastir.  I'm 
still using a 2006 Tigermap and 2008 Cloudmade set for areas near to me for 
completely off line work.  Downloaded over modem so that's how long I've used 
Neat thing is when I have online access, Xastir can be setup to super-impose 
the Tigermap or Cloudmade mapson top of the online mapset.  Sometimes gives a 
nice mix, sometimes not.

      From: Anthony Sandy <>
 Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 8:33 AM
 Subject: [Xastir] Update Maps
Hello, I am  new to XASTIR, i am running it on a raspberry pi with Dire
Wolf as my TNC,  are the any new maps available more like google  earth GUI
etc?-- *"Leadership is based on inspiration, not domination; on cooperation, not
intimidation." ~ William Arthur Ward.*

*Anthony J. Sandy, 9Z4A / N0ASX*
*Amateur Radio General Class*
*RSARS, Royal Signals Amateur Radio Society™*
*Air Formation Signals Association*
*EMCOMM Specialist*
*Echo-Link node 393549*
*Allstar node 41570*
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