Hi Tom,

Now the Xastir’s queries process is clear. Therefore, could-it be (easily) 
possible to modify the messaging file code in order to introduce a rule that 
any manually entered message beginning with « ?… » would-be process without 
message-id ? The « dinosaur » aka uiview have such a rule. Taking example with 
HF APRS ops, sometime i can’t hear direct some digi/igates due to propagation 
skip but i know they are « on air », then sending manually a ?APRSD relayed by 
"in range" igates, when getting the answer i can make a picture of actual 
propagation status at this station, quite useful for HF ops.

> Le 27 mai 2018 à 23:04, Tom Russo <ru...@bogodyn.org> a écrit :
> …..Which clearly shows that we do NOT process directed queries if they have a
> message id.  That's spec compliant, but it means that you must also be
> able to *send* directed queries without message ids somehow.  Right now,
> the ONLY way Xastir has to do that is via the handful of directed query
> buttons in the station info dialog.  Which means you can only send directed
> queries if the station you want to query has actually been heard from by
> your station….

73 de Cyril - DF1CHB/AM - F1MHV/M
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