On Wed, 30 May 2018, Menga wrote:

For running ais.pl, in the head comment, it is written the script:   ./ais.pl boats 
<passcode> [--pipe] [?logging]
I changed boats with my callsign, then I enabled server ports in Xastir.
The script was executed correctly without the previous error on the passcode, 
and the program was waiting for messages to send, without time out (time out 
appeared if the server ports were not enabled).
Conclusions: in the script ?boats? is a placeholder for the callsign,  the 
server port on Xastir has to be enabled to guarantee the communication. 
Contrary to my belief, no cross control is performed from the callsign in 
Xastir and the passcode in ais.pl, but directly from the data in the script.

I?m not on the sea to receive AIS messages, but I think that the program now 

Use "boats" as the callsign. That triggers Xastir -not- to gate any of the data 

Use "planes" or "p1anes" as the callsign for the ads-b stuff, same reason.

The passcode for each can be discovered in the usual way.

Curt, WE7U.        http://we7u.wetnet.net
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