Sorry for the late reply

xCAT version: 2.11

What the issue ended up being is as follows. Per RHEL licensing I am
using RHEL for Scientific Computing for the nodes. In order to separate
the Server and Compute Node versions I named this, at copycd
time, rhels6.8-computenode and the actual Server install 
rhels6.8-server. During the otherpkgs postscript this portion of the

if ( pmatch "$OSVER" "rhel*" ); then
            if [ $dir == $default_pkgdir ] || [ $dir ==
"$default_pkgdir/" ]; then

                if ( pmatch "$OSVER" "rhels6*" ); then
                   if [ $ARCH == "ppc64" ]; then
                       index=$(expr $index + 1)
                       array_set_element os_path $index $ospkgdir_ok

                   if [ $ARCH == "x86_64" ]; then
                        for arg in "Server" "ScalableFileSystem"
"HighAvailability" "ResilientStorage" "LoadBalancer"
                            index=$(expr $index + 1)
                            array_set_element os_path $index

Produces 5 xCAT-rhels6.8-computenode-path# repos using the args as
expected. However these are not valid repos for the RHEL for Scientific
Computing image. I have this fixed temporarily by changing:

for arg in "Server" "ScalableFileSystem" "HighAvailability"
"ResilientStorage" "LoadBalancer"


for arg in "ComputeNode" "ScalableFileSystem"

While this is a band aid, simply copying the iso for RHEL for
Scientific Computing image with copycds, without giving it a unique
name, didn't result in the ability to install the version necessary for
proper RHEL subscription licensing. All nodes, regardless of image,
ended up reporting as RHEL Server.

On Wed, 2016-10-05 at 11:03 -0400, Mark Gurevich wrote:
> Mark, thank you for brining this to our attention.
> What is the version of xCAT you are running ? "lsxcatd -a"
> Have you checked the /var/log/xcat/xcat.log file on the compute node
> to see if there are any clues ?
> Are there any additional .repo files in the /etc/yum.repo.d/ on the
>  compute node ?
> Even though you showed the table contents for linuximage and osimage,
> can you show the output of "lsdef -t osimage compute-install" ?
> Mark Gurevich
> Poughkeepsie Development Lab
> HPC Software Development - xCAT
> "If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called
> research, would it?"
> --Albert Einstein
> From:        Mark Potter <>
> To:        "" <xcat-user@lists.sourcef
> Date:        10/04/2016 03:59 PM
> Subject:        [xcat-user] Problems with repos on nodes
> I am getting some weird repos created on the nodes at install. 
> [root@node03 yum.repos.d]# ls xCAT-rhels6.8-computenode-path*
> xCAT-rhels6.8-computenode-path0.repo  xCAT-rhels6.8-computenode-
> path2.repo  xCAT-rhels6.8-computenode-path4.repo
> xCAT-rhels6.8-computenode-path1.repo  xCAT-rhels6.8-computenode-
> path3.repo  xCAT-rhels6.8-computenode-path5.repo
> [root@node03 yum.repos.d]# cat xCAT-rhels6.8-computenode-path* | grep
> url
> baseurl=
> baseurl=
> baseurl=
> le
> FileSystem
> baseurl=
> ai
> lability
> baseurl=
> en
> tStorage
> baseurl=
> la
> ncer
> Now these repos are exactly what I'd expect using the server image
> and
> not the compute-node image:
> [root@phoebe postscripts]# cd repos/rhel6.8-server/x86_64/
> [root@phoebe x86_64]# cat local-repository.tmpl
> [local-rhel6.8-server-x86_64-ScalableFileSystem]
> name=xCAT configured yum repository for rhel6.8-
> server/x86_64/ScalableFileSystem
> baseurl=http://#INSTSERVER#/install/rhel6.8-
> server/x86_64//ScalableFileSystem
> enabled=1
> gpgcheck=0
> [local-rhel6.8-server-x86_64-LoadBalancer]
> name=xCAT configured yum repository for rhel6.8-
> server/x86_64/LoadBalancer
> baseurl=http://#INSTSERVER#/install/rhel6.8-
> server/x86_64//LoadBalancer
> enabled=1
> gpgcheck=0
> [local-rhel6.8-server-x86_64-x86_64]
> name=xCAT configured yum repository for rhel6.8-server/x86_64/x86_64
> baseurl=http://#INSTSERVER#/install/rhel6.8-server/x86_64/
> enabled=1
> gpgcheck=0
> [local-rhel6.8-server-x86_64-HighAvailability]
> name=xCAT configured yum repository for rhel6.8-
> server/x86_64/HighAvailability
> baseurl=http://#INSTSERVER#/install/rhel6.8-
> server/x86_64//HighAvailability
> enabled=1
> gpgcheck=0
> [local-rhel6.8-server-x86_64-ResilientStorage]
> name=xCAT configured yum repository for rhel6.8-
> server/x86_64/ResilientStorage
> baseurl=http://#INSTSERVER#/install/rhel6.8-
> server/x86_64//ResilientStorage
> enabled=1
> gpgcheck=0
> [local-rhel6.8-server-x86_64-Server]
> name=xCAT configured yum repository for rhel6.8-server/x86_64/Server
> baseurl=http://#INSTSERVER#/install/rhel6.8-server/x86_64//Server
> enabled=1
> gpgcheck=0
> [root@phoebe x86_64]# cd ../../rhels6.8-computenode/x86_64/
> [root@phoebe x86_64]# cat local-repository.tmpl
> [local-rhels6.8-computenode-x86_64-ComputeNode]
> name=xCAT configured yum repository for rhels6.8-
> computenode/x86_64/ComputeNode
> baseurl=http://#INSTSERVER#/install/rhels6.8-
> computenode/x86_64//ComputeNode
> enabled=1
> gpgcheck=0
> [local-rhels6.8-computenode-x86_64-ScalableFileSystem]
> name=xCAT configured yum repository for rhels6.8-
> computenode/x86_64/ScalableFileSystem
> baseurl=http://#INSTSERVER#/install/rhels6.8-
> computenode/x86_64//ScalableFileSystem
> enabled=1
> gpgcheck=0
> [local-rhels6.8-computenode-x86_64-x86_64]
> name=xCAT configured yum repository for rhels6.8-
> computenode/x86_64/x86_64
> baseurl=http://#INSTSERVER#/install/rhels6.8-computenode/x86_64/
> enabled=1
> gpgcheck=0
> The node has the right OSVER:
> [root@node03 xcatpost]# cat mypostscript | grep OSV
> OSVER='rhels6.8-computenode'
> export OSVER
> and the right ARCH:
> [root@node03 xcatpost]# cat mypostscript | grep ARCH
> ARCH='x86_64'
> export ARCH
> [root@phoebe x86_64]# lsdef node03
> Object name: node03
>     arch=x86_64
>     bmc=
>     currchain=boot
>     currstate=boot
>     groups=all,compute
>     initrd=xcat/osimage/compute-install/initrd.img
>     ip=
>     kcmdline=quiet repo=http://!myipfn!:80/install/rhels6.8-computeno
> de
> /x86_64 ks=http://!myipfn!:80/install/autoinst/node03
> ksdevice=c8:cb:b8:cf:5f:38
>     kernel=xcat/osimage/compute-install/vmlinuz
>     mac=c8:cb:b8:cf:5f:38
>     mgt=ipmi
>     netboot=pxe
>     nichostnamesuffixes.ib0=-ib
>     nicips.ib0=
>     nicnetworks.ib0=ib
>     nictypes.ib0=Infiniband
>     os=rhels6.8-computenode
>     postbootscripts=otherpkgs,mlnxofed_ib_install -p
> /install/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-3.3- -m --without-
> fw-update --force -end-,confignics,add_nfs
>     postscripts=syslog,remoteshell,syncfiles
>     profile=compute
>     provmethod=compute-install
>     status=powering-on
>     statustime=10-04-2016 14:36:20
>     tftpserver=
> The linuximage table is correct:
> "compute-
> install","/install/custom/nodes/nodes.tmpl",,,"/install/custom/nodes/
> no
> des.pkglist","/install/rhels6.8-
> computenode/x86_64","/install/custom/nodes/nodes.otherpkgs","/install
> /p
> ost/otherpkgs/rhels6.8-computenode/x86_64",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
> the osimage table appeears correct:
> "compute-install",,"compute","linux",,"install",,"rhels6.8-
> computenode-
> x86_64",,,"Linux","rhels6.8-
> computenode","x86_64","/install/custom/nodes/nodes.synclist",,,,,,,
> I can't, for the life of me, figure out why it's pulling the repos
> from
> /install/postscripts/repos/rhel6.8-server/x86_64 and not
> from /install/postscripts/repos/rhels6.8-computenode and any help
> would
> be appreciated!
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Mark L. Potter
Senior Consultant
PCPC Direct, Ltd.
O: 713-344-0952 
M: 713-965-4133
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