Hi all,
I've been looking into using sysclone within xcat recently and I was
hoping the community might have some guidance on how to use sysclone
provisioning in a secure manner.

Perhaps I'm doing something incorrect in how I'm setting up sysclone,
but I've found that by default there is no authentication on the
rsyncd process that systemimager uses for sysclone, so any user with
access to the networks that sysclone is provisioning over (which if we
were using sysclone to provision cluster compute nodes would be any
user in the cluster) can use rsync to copy any sysclone image from the
xcat server eg:

[user@compute-node] $ rsync -n xcat-server::my_sysclone_image
...returns contents of the images...

It seems to me to imply that I should be doing some of the following:

- I should only expose rsyncd to a trusted provisioning network.
However we were looking at sysclone to replace our use of statelite on
a future user-facing compute cluster. So to provision this cluster,
compute nodes would need access to the provisioning network, and thus
rsyncd would be exposed to users on this cluster.

Do other people use a dedicated provisioning vlan, that is distinct
from their node management/ssh vlan? Perhaps we could use some clever
automation whereby a node that we are provisioning has it's switch
ports added to a special provisioning vlan when a node is initially
syscloned, and then this vlan is removed after the proccess is
complete? Although this would complicate updatenode or imgcapture for
future node management.

- I should ensure that all sysclone images are purged of any
potentially sensitive information - logs, ssh keys, password hashes
etc, and need processes to ensure this cleaning is done on every
imgcapture. Sensitive information could then be distributed to the
nodes via another method, such as configuration management tools,
puppet/ansible etc...

- Perhaps there is a way to configure rsync/systemimager to use ssh
transport, with some ssh keypair distributed as part of the sysclone
genesis image perhaps? But then the genesis image is available over
tftp so this keypair would be possible to reach for a motivated
attacker, thereby only making access to rsyncd harder, but not

Does anyone use sysclone in production in a compute cluster
environment, particularly with nodes that have untrusted users on them
that are provisioned via sysclone? How do you secure your xcat server
so rsyncd is not exposed like this?

I'd be grateful for details on how other people do this,

Kind regards,

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