I need to install some softwares from OpenHPC repository and I'm in doubt about which one to use,  pkglist/dir or otherpkglist/dir?

What is the difference between this two?

Hi Daniel,

This is by no means a way that xCAT guys document it, but this is how we do it, and how we see things

pkglist and pkgdir is for those packages that is from the distribution operating system, and therefore you should be able to just list these packages without naming any folders as such. These would be installed as part of anaconda (if you're a redhat based person). For example, we normally have 2 directories in the pkgdir, one for the base OS, and one for the updates (i.e. using CentOS base and updates) that have been sync'd to the xCAT master. Then while the machine is installing, it will install the updated packages, rather than having to install the base first, then apply the updates. This allows to have the latest kernel by default, and don't have to do extra reboots afterwards.

The otherpkgdir and the otherpkglist is used for any packages that are not provided by the distribution operating system, and the packages from the web. I would normally add extras, opstools, slurm, cuda in this case

In your scenario, we would go with adding OpenHPC into the otherpkglist

I hope that makes sense


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