1.  Syncfiles is a default postbootscript, so its supposed to run on every deploy.  If its not running, check your postscript table to make sure its there as a default.  You can call it again if you think a package install is overwriting one of your custom files, just add it to the node postbootscipt line in the desired order

2.  Otherpkgs works fine, the difference is it runs as a postbootscript after the reboot, as if you were running a yum command from the OS (as opposed to stateless which packages them up in the image)

3.  For stateless there really is no "image" as fas as I know, all customizations are handled with OS/group/node definitions and postscripts.  I don't like to mess with the osdef too much other than the syncfiles.list and otherpkgs stuff.  Kepp in mind, you can create any script you want, for example to install extra rpm's after the main os deploys but before the reboot (like say mellanox drivers, that may require a reboot)

4.  I don't think so, but again if you need other packages just create a script with a yum command and attach it to the group/node def postbootscript or posctript line (making sure your order is what you want).


Brian Joiner

On 6/4/21 00:30, Vinícius Ferrão via xCAT-user wrote:

I'm doing an stateful install right now, and I have some questions to those who use the stateful method. Since I'm already used to stateless provisioning I'm trying to adapt it's concepts to stateful.

So here we go:

1. Can I use syncfiles to issue "updatenode all -F" when needed?

The ideia is to have a custom file with the synclist and run a command similar to: chdef -t osimage -o ol8.4.0-x86_64-install-compute synclists="/install/custom/install/compute.synclist"

2. Otherpkgs works in stateful profile?

Can I add otherpkgdir and otherpkglist to -install images? It will install the packages during the provision phase? There's any use case for it?

3. Where should I do the customization inside the image?

On stateless I just chroot after "genimage", do whatever I need to do, change confs, enable/disable service, etc, and them "packimage". How can I achieve something similar with stateful nodes?

4. Can I have multiple pkglist and otherpkglist files?

The ideia here is to keep the default ones from xCAT untouched and just add additional ones separated by commas in osimage definition.

Thanks all.

PS: I did some reading before, but I was only able to find precise information, I've only found for hierarchical clusters and specific cases like CUDA, and finally I'm not sure which is "The Right Way (tm)" to achieve the functionality mentioned.

https://xcat-docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/advanced/hierarchy/provision/diskful_sn.html <https://xcat-docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/advanced/hierarchy/provision/diskful_sn.html> https://xcat-docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/advanced/gpu/nvidia/osimage/rhels.html#diskless-images <https://xcat-docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/advanced/gpu/nvidia/osimage/rhels.html#diskless-images> https://myxcat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced/networks/infiniband/mlnxofed_ib_install_v2_diskful.html?highlight=Infiniband%20Support <https://myxcat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced/networks/infiniband/mlnxofed_ib_install_v2_diskful.html?highlight=Infiniband Support>

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