I am getting an error I have not seen before when attempting to generate a
new DNS configuration, below are the last 2 lines of output using the
command `makedns -V -n`

Updating DNS records, this may take several minutes for a large cluster.
Error: [master]: Please make sure 10.IN-ADDR.ARPA exist either in
/etc/hosts or DNS.

I am using a /16 which is properly defined in xcat and would be part of I am not sure why it is expecting 10.IN-ADDR.ARPA to be defined.

This had been working normally in the past, this is the first time I am
running into this issue. We normally don't have this zone defined, and it
has properly ignored hosts in /etc/hosts that are not in the network
defined in xcat. I am seeing no hosts added to DNS after this error is
produced, but I can manually add hosts after makedns exits. Infact, the
/etc/named.conf file looks to be correct looking at a backup copy.

The logs also do not have any details as to why it is failing. The last 2
lines(logs posted above) are the only thing visible. It seems as though
makedns is attempting to add entries from /etc/hosts that would normally be

I also have checked my /etc/hosts file, and I do not see any issues at a
glance, but it is quite large. I plan to work the /etc/hosts angle to see
if an entry is causing an issue, but any other thoughts would be

Version: 2.16.2-snap202105201708
OS: CentOS 8.4.2105

*Scott Groel*
Clemson University - Advanced Computing Infrastructure
HPC Systems Architect
Email: sgr...@clemson.edu
Phone: (864) 656-9235
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