You are right, xCAT inserts <partitioning...>...<\partitioning...>
Around the AutoYastSnippet specified by the partitionfile attribute.

I will update the docs to state that AutoYastSnippet should not include
those tags.

Mark Gurevich
Poughkeepsie Development Lab
HPC Software Development - xCAT

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research,
would it?"
--Albert Einstein

From:   "Heckes, Frank" <>
To:     "xCAT Users Mailing list" <>
Date:   08/12/2021 05:46 AM
Subject:        [EXTERNAL] [xcat-user] sles15.2 partitionfile

Hi all,
Sorry if is a known/solved issue and question. I’m using Version 2.16.2.

      For for SLES15.2 installation I found that the disk partioning
      doesn’t work out of the box. See my workaround below.
      Maybe I missed something, but is there a ‘interface’ or script
      available (beside vi) to alter the autoyast template file for any
      sles distro version in a controlled way aka with XML syntax checking?
      Or do I have to make all changes and tracking to the autoyast
      templates on my own?

Many thanks in for any comments on my second question.

Workaround for Partition in sles15.2 template.
Using the command sequence (as described in the readthedocs):
chdef -t osimage -o <imageName> partitionfile=<pathToAutoYastSnippet>
with the following partitionfile:
<partitioning config:type="list">
? <drive>
??? <device>/dev/sda</device>
??? . . .
??? . . .

Leads to an entry in the automatically generated autoyast file
in /install/autoinst
. . .
??? <partitioning config:type="list">
????? <partitioning config:type="list">
? <drive>
??? <device>/dev/sda</device>
. . .
. . .
??? </partitioning>

This leads to a key error (duplicate <partitioning> - tag) during the
startup of the installer script:
Internal error. Please report a bug report with logs.???? │ │
????????│ │Run save_y2logs to get complete logs.???????????????????? │
????????│ │????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? │
????????│ │Caller:?????????????????????????????????????????????????? │
????????│ │/mounts/mp_0001/usr/lib64/ruby/vendor_ruby/2.5.0/yast/buil│
????????│ │tins.rb:502:in `haskey'?????????????????????????????????? │
????????│ │????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? │
????????│ │Details: undefined method `key?' for #

Workaround is to remove the <partitioning> tags in the autoyast template
file for sles15.2 or skip the tags inside the partition file.[attachment
"smime.p7s" deleted by Mark Gurevich/Poughkeepsie/IBM]
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