So technically I haven't used xCAT for this either (I've been using confluent), 
and I've not actually configured satellite myself (using the corporate ones), 
but all I did was:
-Add the katello rpm provided by the satellite administrators to the 
-Run subscription-manager-register --org=.... --activationkey=base
-yum update from there

I know this was probably what was done first in this thread but wanted to 
highlight for those not seeking the absolute optimization.

I can take it as an improvement in confluent to explictly have a suggested 
procedure to accomplish this before any package is installed. Note that 
confluent already supports full TLS for internal servers, and you can add 'CAs 
to trust from the beginning' by putting their pem files in 

As to why do this instead of foreman it's ultimately a matter of preference.  
Note that if you want foreman but want xCAT-style discovery, then confluent can 
gather macs for foreman instead of internal if desired without interfering with 
the DHCP infrastructure.  If you set net.bootable=1, and pxe boot, discovery is 
done without sending any dhcpoffers at all, and then you can:
noderun n1-n100 hammer host create --name {node} .... --mac {net.hwaddr} ....

For its own deployment it can use mac addresses, but it favors UUIDs that it 
gathers, which is particularly nice for pxe booting over what will be a bond 
from either mac.  I think while xCAT can be difficult, confluent is easiest of 
them all at managing the host binding (no mare 'makedhcp', it supports either 
directly answering PXE discover packets, or not caring and letting a normal 
dhcp server handle the ip while it handles the filename and next-server 
withtout requiring anything from the dhcp server nor interfering with the dhcp 

Of course, this is an easier suggestion when 3.3 comes out in a couple of 
weeks, since that has the 'confignet' to auto-conifgure multiple nics and bonds 
as well as cloning and stateless (the confluent stateless is easier, updates 
are normal without special stateless steps to apply new kernel or drivers, and 
doesn't cost so much RAM by default, instead using a zram for writing and a 
multipath https mount for on-demand access to the image).  It doesn't support 
xCAT OS images, so migration if you have high customization would be daunting, 
but if using mostly stock or haven't gotten started yet, I think confluent as 
of 3.3 will be an interesting choice.

From: Kevin Keane <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 2, 2021 11:11 PM
To: xCAT Users Mailing list <>
Subject: [External] Re: [xcat-user] RedHat Satellite and xCAT stateful installs

I have made the almost exact same migration a few months ago, and am using the 
exact same tools you are using (Satellte + Ansible). Also using RHEL 8.4. We 
are using both throughout our data center, so using them introduces a lot of 
consistency and manageability.

The only difference is that I'm not using xCAT at all any more. Satellite can 
do the same thing as xCAT's stateful installation using PXE booting. Instead of 
post scripts etc., I'm using Ansible. Note that PXE booting will work even if 
your data center only uses static IP addresses, as ours does!

Most of what I write below applies regardless of whether you use Satellite 
Server or xCAT to provision your system

I'm assuming here that your architecture is similar to ours, with the 
management node also acting as a NAT gateway to the systems behind it.

I found that managing DHCP and DNS with Ansible is a lot easier than with xCAT.

Since usually, the management node is also a jump host, there are a few 
- Regardless of if you use xCAT or not, use the management node as an SSH jump 
host from the satellite server, as well as from your Ansible controller.
- TFTP is not NAT friendly at all. Set up a TFTP helper on your NAT gateway 
(i.e., management node)

To make the management node an SSH jump host for Satellite, put this stanza 
into /usr/share/foreman-proxy/.ssh/config (assuming that your management node 
 your nodes are all in a zone<>,
 and you configured Satellite to use the svc-satellite user for Remote 
Execution. Of course, pay attention to ownership and permissions (this file 
needs to be owned by foreman-proxy:foreman-proxy, and should have 600 

  User svc-satellite


Use a similar stanza on your Ansible controller, using whatever user name you 
use for Ansible.

Overall, the process is:

Make sure that everything in Satellite Server is up to snuff. It is easy to get 
it to "kinda" work, but there are a lot of T's to cross and I's to dot. That is 
really more of a general gotcha with Satellite Server. In particular, make sure 
to set up ALL the subnets involved, and use host groups to assign the 
configurations for your nodes. Also set up locations, organizations, etc.

In the subnets, be sure to configure it for DHCP booting, and also make sure to 
set the DNS name and IP address range correctly. Obviously, you will want to 
specify your management node as DNS server. This is not plainly informational 
stuff, but is actually used during PXE booting. A single typo here can cause a 
lot of headaches (I remember having specified a default gateway with the .0 
instead of the .1 address. PXE booting failed with a cryptic indecipherable 
message, and then I spent three days with RedHat support before spotting that 

In host groups, configure all the stuff you would ordinarily configure at the 
host level. Satellite Server will pick up those values when it auto-creates 
your nodes during the PXE-Boot process. In particular, make sure to provide 
whatever Satellite activation keys you need.

RedHat says that for nodes behind a NAT gateway, you need a separate capsule 
server. I found that to be overkill and unnecessary. The TFTP helper and the 
SSH jump host configuration do the job instead. THIS IS UNDOCUMENTED and won't 
be supported by RedHat support.

- In Ansible, provide the MAC addresses, IP addresses and DNS names you want 
for the nodes as a host variable to the management node.
- Set up the Management Node with the following:
  DHCP. Generate /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf from the Ansible host variables.
  DNS. Generate /etc/named.conf based on whatever zones you need, and, using 
the Ansible host variables, generate /var/named/chroot/var/named/*.zone files 
as appropriate.
  TFTP helper in firewalld. Make sure you add the service "tftp" to the zone 
facing your nodes, and the service "tftp-client" to the zone facing outward. I 
had to do a bit of troubleshooting of this part using tcpdump.
  SSH configuration. Make sure to allow agent forwarding. Also, make sure that 
ProxyJump is allowed (it should be by default, but there are some ways you 
could undermine it).

If you need it, I'll be happy to provide (via private email) templates we use 
for the DHCP and DNS configuration.

Now boot your nodes, using PXE booting. If everything is 100% correct, the node 
should pull the installation from Satellite Server in a completely unattended 
install. Satellite registration happens automatically during this step.

After provisioning the nodes, bootstrap them into Ansible (you can also do that 
with Kickstart files during the initial provisioning step).

Run your Ansible playbooks to finish the installation and configuration of 
whatever you need (such as your scheduler, application software, 
authentication, users etc.)

One more thing: do not use VLANs. There is a bug in Satellite Server 
provisioning with VLANs that in some scenarios prevents it from working. You 
can use VLANs after provisioning. Just not during. RedHat knows about the bug, 
but hasn't fixed it yet.




Kevin Keane | Systems Architect | University of San Diego ITS |<>
Pronouns: he/him/his
Maher Hall, 162 |5998 Alcalá Park | San Diego, CA 92110-2492 | 619.260.6859 | 
Text: 760-721-8339

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On Tue, Nov 2, 2021 at 11:16 AM THomas HUMMEL 
<<>> wrote:

I'm in the process of migrating xCAT 2.16 CentOS 8.3 (x86_64) stateless
and stateful installs to RHEL 8.4 (x86_64) stateless and stateful
installs using RedHat Satellite 6.9 because of the CentOS new
positionning in RH lifecyle

RH Satellite will be used basically to provide repos to hosts, I'm not,
for now, planning to use any other features

This new paradigm implies two major changes:

# hosts have to be registered to access repos

As a matter of fact it is the registration process which configures
client SSL certs and the redhat.repo file

-> this one is not a problem as register is in my case performed by
ansible after node initial install and I'm using Simple Content Access


I managed though, as a proof of concept, to make it possible to register
either in %pre or %post kickstart section.

# xCAT stateful installs (kickstart)

I still want xCAT to manage DHCP,PXE, stateful install as well

-> does anyone has any hint/experience about this one when using a RH
Satellite ?

As a matter of fact I did encounter issues with the points described below.


The standard method (point pkgdir to the content of an RHEL DVD iso) and
register later still works but I thought it would be nice to better
integrate with Satellite from the start, meaning using repos from inside
Satellite to perform the install, not installing with DVD repos then
register and point/use other repos (which are Satellite configured
content views). Or at least install from some repos inside Satellite,
register then point/use Content view repos

1) xCAT (pkgdir=) is meant to deal with ISO content accessible via some
fs mountpoint, my understanding is that it cannot point to some http URL
and that xCAT looks for kernel/initrd to be served by PXE in that same
location. Besides, xCAT sets up inst.repo= to this location as well

-> this could be manually worked around by commenting out %include
/tmp/repos and stating an url --url directive instead and by overwriting
inst.repo= in the iPXE xnba script file (/tftp/xcat/xnba/nodes/<node>)

This is not practical though as nodeset would override the latter

2) Satellite RH BaseOS and Appstream repos, stored in a "Content View"
require registration to be accessed

-> this could be worked around in 2 ways:

a) by registering in %pre ks section
b) by using (trying to use) what Satellite calls "kickstart repos"

So my first idea was to try to use RH BOOT.iso bootnet only (no rpms)
image with xCAT which would be pointed BaseOS/AppStream repos in a
Satellite Content View while registering in %pre

-> this failed because the inst.repo/url --url combination basically
made it mandatory to use DVD.iso in order for Anaconda either to start
or to have a non-interactive source install set up

My second idea was to try to use Satellite kickstart repos, which are
accessible by HTTP without SSL client certs, but again:

a) xCAT still have to have kernel/initrd to serve via iPXE: which one
would fit ?
b) those repos are just repos and thus does not match the layout of the
root of the DVD for instance (they're more like the inidivual BaseOS and
AppStream repos once you're cd inside them). Anaconda still have to be
found somewhere.

Besides, my understanding is that in order to natively (the Satellite
way) kickstart against kickstart repos, one have to somehow create a
host and use the Satellite generated boot media (using in particular
Satellite generated kernel/initrd)

My guess is that it would be feasible to generate such a boot media iso
inside Satellite, download it and point xCAT to its content with
pkgdir=, just as I did with DVD.iso

In short: what would be the best way to use xCAT and Satellite for a
stateful install ?

Thanks for you help


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