Please go ahead and file the bug that describes what you’re trying to 
accomplish.  The conjunction of watchpoint setting, register addresses, and 
Swift language sounds like it may need attention.

Kate Stone <>
 Xcode Runtime Analysis Tools

> On May 28, 2015, at 5:16 PM, Jens Alfke <> wrote:
>> On May 28, 2015, at 4:24 PM, Kate Stone < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Register values can be readily used in C-based languages as if they were 
>> pointers, but they have far less obvious meaning in a Swift context where 
>> everything is more strongly typed and is safe by design.
> I think Swift syntax is actively getting in the way in LLDB. When debugging 
> you want to be able to look at data in a more free-form way and get a bit 
> closer to the metal. The C expression syntax works pretty well for that, but 
> in Swift mode I was stymied.
>>> It does, when I enable MallocScribble. Could you explain the syntax to set 
>>> a watchpoint, too? Thanks again…
>> Per LLDB’s command line help:
> We’re going around in circles now. :/ Please look at my original message, 
> wherein I was unable to get LLDB to accept any variant of  “watch set 
> expression”. It kept giving errors like "expression evaluation of address to 
> watch failed”. That’s why I posted in the first place.
> This might be another instance of Swift syntax not working well. I was 
> stepping through assembly code and had the address of an object in a 
> register, and wanted to detect when that object was modified. LLDB may have 
> been rejecting my commands because the Swift mode wasn’t recognizing a 
> numeric value as an address.
> —Jens

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