On Jun 9, 2015, at 15:23 , Sean McBride <s...@rogue-research.com> wrote:
> I also tried:
> - (instancetype)init
> {
>       assert(0);
> }
> Thinking maybe it would clue in on an old school assert, but no.

I was half-right before, in that using ’NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER’ enables 
different rules for initializers in the compiler. Once you use that on an 
initializer that has parameters, you must override parameterless ‘init’ too, 
and the override has to be a designated initializer.

However, the syntax I suggested was wrong. You can only use 
’NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER’ in an @interface block, so you’d actually do it 
like this (in the .m file):

> @interface MyClass ()
> - (instancetype) init NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
> @end
> @implementation MyClass
> - (instancetype) init {
>       assert (0);
> }

Note that if you have other private initializer methods in the @implementation 
block only, you’ll have to pre-declare them in the class extensions so that you 

I tried this in an actual source file, and the warnings did go away.

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