> On 15 Sep 2015, at 18:23, Jens Alfke <j...@mooseyard.com> wrote:
>> On Sep 15, 2015, at 9:19 AM, Dave <d...@looktowindward.com 
>> <mailto:d...@looktowindward.com>> wrote:
>> Class<ProtocolX> was allowable and would cause the compiler to generate a 
>> warning if “MyClass” does not conform to “ProtocolX”, e.g.
> I’ve never seen that used before … which doesn’t prove it isn’t real, but I’m 
> suspicious. Have you tested whether it actually triggers such a warning?

I just tried it now with XCode 6.4 and you’re right, it doesn’t generate a 

I’m 90% sure I’ve used this in the past and it worked.

If this isn’t part of Objective-C then I can’t think why not? Seems like a good 
thing to have and no reason why it couldn’t/shouldn’t work that I can think of?

>> This fixes it:
>> if ([(Class)theDetailViewClass 
>> conformsToProtocol:@protocol(LTWDetailViewProtocol)] == NO)
> Yeah, that would imply that the compiler sees “Class<ProtocolX>” as an 
> instance type, not a class.

I’m surprised it doesn’t give an error or a warning for this, the fact it 
didn’t led me to believe that it was valid Objective-C.

Thanks a lot

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