So, after the glow of joy that I am feeling from the Xcode team mostly fixing 
my, "stop animating everything" bug and the fact that I've been pretty much 
working 7 days a week for the past n+1 months, I decided to look into some 
funness related to Xcode before I need to wake up at 3 AM for a lovely Saturday 

For giggles, I wanted to check out how Ludicrous Throughout affected my app's 
build time on my latest 1 year old laptop.  

First of all, I created a RAM drive by conspiring great evil and entering this 
terminal command

        diskutil erasevolume HFS+ \"RAM Disk\" `hdiutil attach -nomount 

Don't enter this at all until you have checked the diskutil man file and have 
proven that I'm not trying to erase your HD.

Now that you're proven that, this creates a roughly 2 GB RAM drive.

Running the AJA sped test app, this gave a R/W throughput of 3457.3 MB/s / 
3503.4 MB/s throughput.

Meh.  It's not AppleTalk throughput, but it will have to do.

Already underwhelmed, I copied my iOS project that builds it's own app, then 
links to source and builds about 3 linked libs, onto the RAM Drive.

I had to wait for a whole blink of my eyelids to complete before this 
completed.  Pained sigh.

Next, I set the build location in prefs to be set to legacy.  This makes the 
build folder(s) within the project's  folders, but doesn't touch the derived 
date location.

Command Shift K.

Command B.

A build that normally takes 2 mins and 35 seconds of our iOS project took 31 

Sigh.  Pained sigh.  ONLY 5 times faster?  

This will never do.

By moving the system and Xcode and the user folder onto a large enough RAM 
drive and gotten stupid faster builds where it takes more time to launch the 
simulator than it does to compile from clean.

Why this matters to me - as an experiment, if nothing more, is that we are 
rapidly getting to the point where we have an expanding matrix of builds to 
fire off on an automated basis.  Each multiple of 5 in speed that we save is 5 
x more processing bandwidth we have.  That and the fact that Mac TrashCan Pros 
are religiously opposed to > 1 socket, this limits our access to the 24 virtual 
cores (12 real) that I used to enjoy.

Just a fun little diversion from "why doesn't this work?"

Here's my CrappleScript which wraps a shell script that I keep handy to make 
RAM drives if you feel so inclined for a taste of ludicrous speed.

on run {}


end run

on Start()

set myBlocks to 2097152 -- 1 GB in blocks
set myGigs to 6

set myResult to display dialog "Desired size in GB for your RAM Disk:" default 
answer myGigs
set myGigs to the text returned of myResult -- as string
set myBytes to myBlocks * myGigs
set myShellScript to "diskutil erasevolume HFS+ \"RAM Disk\" `hdiutil attach 
-nomount ram://" & myBytes & "`"

do shell script myShellScript
end Start

And the output:

tell application "Script Editor"
display dialog "Desired size in GB for your RAM Disk:" default answer 6
--> {button returned:"OK", text returned:"2"}
end tell
tell current application
do shell script "diskutil erasevolume HFS+ \"RAM Disk\" `hdiutil attach 
-nomount ram://4194304`"
--> "Started erase on disk5
Unmounting disk
Initialized /dev/rdisk5 as a 2 GB case-insensitive HFS Plus volume
Mounting disk
Finished erase on disk5 RAM Disk"
end tell
"Started erase on disk5
Unmounting disk
Initialized /dev/rdisk5 as a 2 GB case-insensitive HFS Plus volume
Mounting disk
Finished erase on disk5 RAM Disk"

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