On 15 December 2014 at 09:52, Folken <fol...@kabelsalat.ch> wrote:

>  Lets hypotphetically say we fix this for xcsoars volkslogger driver /
> validation eninge. What will happen if someone for example uploads a
> real 2005 IGC file to skylines? (which uses xcsoar's validation procedure)
> Is the rollover issue clearly identifiable as such, or are just fixing
> the date?

>From what I understand, the affected devices output the date 2005-01-01
before getting a fix. Having got a fix, they output the current date minus
1024 weeks (1995). I doubt skylines will see many flight logs that old.

I don't care about Volkslogger's IGC files, but I'm worried about the
situation of using Volkslogger as a (only) GPS source for XCSoar.
I guess XCSoar's IGC files would get the bad date too.

What happens if I've got the android built in GPS as the first devices,
I lose GPS fix (happens surprisingly often) and get backed by the
Volkslogger GPS feed? Will XCSoar's IGC file get non-monotonic dates?

I'm not sure yet if this is worth fixing. The hardware certainly isn't.

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