--- Michael Hedgpeth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to migrate from JBuilder to IDEA and
> XDoclet.  With
> JBuilder, we put all of our EJB classes in one
> package and the ejb
> descriptors handled the build process behind the
> scenes, building
> roughly 25 different ejb jar files from that one
> package.  It doesn't
> look like this will work with XDoclet.  So, I'm
> wondering, what is the
> recommended best practice for package management?

Well, no approach would ever suit all needs. 
I prefer to split beans into "modules" where it makes
sense - say sequence generator bean et al. lives in
separate ejb-jar, and thus can be reused easily
between applications ) and my data beans live in
separate package. 

In ejb module i use following layout:
src/ -> bean live there in "ejb" package
build/gen-src -> xdoclet generates there, 
original sources are copied there, and javac 
compiles from there 

Generating one ejb-jar for every bean seems to be
overkill to me...

> Do you have an enterprise bean per package?  If so,
> what do you do with
> the deployment descriptors?  Do you generate
> everything at build time?
> Then how do you account for errors throughout the
> IDE saying it can't
> find your Remote Interface classes?

I personally ignore it. And do not use IDEs which cost
a lot of money, and try to be smarter than myself :)
( i scraped JBuilder, NetBeans ( too slow ) , Eclipse
( too smart :) ) and Together (memory hog ) in favor
of jEdit )


Konstantin Priblouda ( ko5tik )    Freelance Software developer
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