Expand the README file to give a brief view of what went in
Xen 4.5.0. Also change the Makefile to not use the '-rc'

Signed-off-by: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.w...@oracle.com>
 README       | 40 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 xen/Makefile |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README b/README
index 412607a..26432b4 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-__  __            _  _    ____                        _        _     _      
-\ \/ /___ _ __   | || |  | ___|       _   _ _ __  ___| |_ __ _| |__ | | ___ 
- \  // _ \ '_ \  | || |_ |___ \ _____| | | | '_ \/ __| __/ _` | '_ \| |/ _ \
- /  \  __/ | | | |__   _| ___) |_____| |_| | | | \__ \ || (_| | |_) | |  __/
-/_/\_\___|_| |_|    |_|(_)____/       \__,_|_| |_|___/\__\__,_|_.__/|_|\___|
+\ \/ /___ _ __   | || |  | ___| / _ \ 
+ \  // _ \ '_ \  | || |_ |___ \| | | |
+ /  \  __/ | | | |__   _| ___) | |_| |
+/_/\_\___|_| |_|    |_|(_)____(_)___/ 
@@ -19,14 +19,28 @@ is freely-distributable Open Source software, released 
under the GNU
 GPL. Since its initial public release, Xen has grown a large
 development community, spearheaded by xen.org (http://www.xen.org).
-The 4.3 release offers a number of improvements, including NUMA
-scheduling affinity, openvswitch integration, and defaulting to
-qemu-xen rather than qemu-traditional for non-stubdom guests.
-(qemu-xen is kept very close to the upstream project.)  We also have a
-number of updates to vTPM, and improvements to XSM and Flask to allow
-greater disaggregation.  Additionally, 4.3 contains a basic version of
-Xen for the new ARM server architecture, both 32- and 64-bit.  And as
-always, there are a number of performance, stability, and security
+The 4.5 release offers a number of improvements: including shedding
+of the Python toolstack (xend), improvements for large scale machines
+during bootup and for PCI passthrough, PVH initial domain support for Intel,
+multiple IO-REQ servers (many QEMUs for a guest), soft affinity for vCPUs
+(aka NUMA affinity), API expansion for guest introspection; Real Time
+Scheduler. We also have number of updates for CPU specific changes, such
+as Broadwell Supervisor Mode Access Prevention, Haswell Bridge Cache QoS
+Monitoring aka Intel Resource Director Technology, and further extensions
+to vAPIC (SandyBridge feature), fixes in AMD microcode loading, and
+Data Breaking Extensions and masking MSR support on AMD.
+Additionally, 4.5 has a huge update to the ARM code allowing us to support
+more than 1TB guests, support for more than 8 CPUs, Power State Coordination
+Interface (0.2), UEFI booting, IOMMU support (SMMUv1), Super Page (2MB) 
+passthrough of MMIO regions to guests, and lower interrupt latency.
+The toolstack has expanded to support VM Generation ID (an Windows 2012 Server
+requirement), Remus initial support (for high availability), libxenlight
+JSON support and persistent configuration support, systemd support, and
+lastly support in QEMU for expanding the PCI hole.
+And as always, there are a number of performance, stability, and security
 improvements under-the hood.
 This file contains some quick-start instructions to install Xen on
diff --git a/xen/Makefile b/xen/Makefile
index 72c1313..5d70741 100644
--- a/xen/Makefile
+++ b/xen/Makefile
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # All other places this is stored (eg. compile.h) should be autogenerated.
 export XEN_VERSION       = 4
 export XEN_SUBVERSION    = 5
 -include xen-version

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