On 23/03/17 12:32, al1img . wrote:
> Hi Juergen,
> I've checked the mentioned commits. And I don't see how it can be done.
> The duplication I see it is in libxl_device_type.add and
> libxl_device_type.list functions
> for different PV devices. These functions have a lot of common code
> which I've tried
> to move to macros in my patches.

Okay, here an example for replacement of LIBXL_DEFINE_DEVICE_LIST_FREE()

void libxl_device_list_free(struct libxl_device_type *dt,
                            void *list, int nr)
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < nr; i++)
        dt->dispose(list + i * dt->dev_elem_size);

BTW: exactly this pattern is to be found at the very end of

The others should be doable, too.


> 2017-03-23 12:21 GMT+02:00 Juergen Gross <jgr...@suse.com>:
>> On 23/03/17 11:10, Oleksandr Grytsov wrote:
>>> From: Oleksandr Grytsov <oleksandr_gryt...@epam.com>
>>> Hi all,
>>> We are working on series of PV drivers (display, sound, input etc.) and
>>> would like to add their support to libxl and xl. These patches add PV 
>>> display
>>> device. PV display is based on [1] protocol.
>>> During implementation I see a lot of code duplication. This problem was
>>> mentioned in [2]. One of the solutions was to implement common parts in IDL
>>> and make them autogenerated. On my side, to minimize the copy/pasting
>>> I've moved common parts into macro functions: LIBXL_DEFINE_DEVICE_COMMIT,
>>> Existing PV devices implementations can be reworked to use these macros as
>>> well. Any other proposals to avoid the duplications are welcome.
>> Did you look into the device type framework I introduced with commit
>> 74e857c6c7f9 and some followups? Maybe it is possible to expand this
>> framework by adding more callbacks to struct libxl_device_type and
>> have some common function(s) in libxl_device.c?
>> Juergen

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