On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 6:15 PM, Ian Jackson <ian.jack...@eu.citrix.com> wrote:
> George Dunlap writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH v4 05/14] golang/xenlight: Add 
> tests host related functionality functions"):
>> I had a chat with Ian Jackson, and we agreed that it would be better
>> to create a file, maybe "test-common.c", that would contain this
>> variable, as well as the three functions below.
>> Then the header ("test-common.h") would contain *declarations* of the
>> variable (i.e., "extern xentoollog_logger_stdiostream *logger;") and
>> function prototypes.
>> The test-common.c file is small now, but it may grow as additional
>> functionality is needed.
> Right.
>> The other thing you might consider, to further reduce the boilerplate
>> you have in each unit test file, is to also include a libxl_ctx
>> pointer in test-common; and have create_context() simply return an int
>> (0 for success, -1 for failure).
> This would be nice.
> You might also consider whether create_context would better simply
> exit the program if it fails.  That avoids any possibility of error
> handling bugs.  And maybe it should be called test_common_setup() ?
> (Names are a matter of taste, though.)
> Also: in C, main needs to return a value.  I'm surprised your compiler
> isn't complaining.  (Are the compiler warnings properly enabled?)  I
> think I mentioned this one before...

Actually I think in C if you don't call 'return', you end up getting
whatever the last value that was calculated as a return value instead.
At least I once had a colleague show me a program and ask, "Wait, why
does this work?" when he wrote a function that did a bunch of
calculations but never called return. :-)

Better to be explicit though.


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