Removed security@ to avoid creating unnecessary RT tickets. Please respond
to this mail. I suppose on this specific topic, Tamas and Andy Cooper
should voice an opinion also

On 27/06/2017, 10:48, "Razvan Cojocaru" <> wrote:

>> - Security > Alternative 2pm : Supported – I think we should split this
>> out – it is currently implicitly covered under "Virtual Machine
>> Introspection"
>I agree that altp2m deserves its own space. While we're interested in
>it, our current solution makes no use of it, so it's certainly possible
>to do introspection without any help from altp2m.
>From my, albeit limited, experience, altp2m probably fits under "Tech
>If we subtract altp2m from the general "Virtual Machine Introspection"
>category, I'd say that the upstream support is between "Tech Preview"
>and "Supported". I'll explain.
>The interface is largely stable, but we may need to add optimizations
>which might change it - so while we don't want this to be happening a
>lot, it will happen.
>There's also functional stability with the XenServer patches (which
>bypass the emulator (single-step) when it can't emulate, and has a
>version of the old smp_lock() emulator race-condition patch).
>Unfortunately, upstream Xen still has race condition issues when
>emulating LOCKed instructions in SMP scenarios - this will be addressed
>ASAP with a proper CMPXCHG patch that currently depends on a patch from
>Andrew and will require rework of a patch from Jan that adds a specific
>emulation return code for CMPXCHG failures.
>There's also an issue with #UD injections which is covered by the
>emulator bypass patch in XenServer but can cause IPIs to get lost with
>the upstream code - that will also require some more thinking.
>So there are still (emulation-related) quirks upstream. We'd very much
>like to get them ironed out.
>I hope this answers the question.

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