
This are again the remaining non-acked patches of the FreeBSD osstest
series. The two patches sent with this cover letter fix two issues
found on the Mass colo.

Patch 17 fixes an issue where the FreeBSD installer bootloader
receives random keystrokes on the console, thus aborting the automatic
boot. The solution is to create an installer that doesn't wait for any
keystrokes and just boots into the default kernel. FWIW this only
happens when booting the installer image from pxelinux + memdisk, I
haven't seen it happening when booting FreeBSD once installed to disk.
In some spare free time I might try to figure out what's actually
going on, but this bodge seems like the easiest solution ATM.

Patch 18 adds more disk controllers to the list of proved devices in
order to find the hard drive. This was found while trying to install
on nobling, which has some kind of RAID controller. Now all the
possible disk drivers have been added to the list, so we shouldn't
expect further problems for the time being.

I've pushed the whole series to:

git://xenbits.xen.org/people/royger/osstest.git freebsd_v16

I've also created and anointed a new install image with patch 17
applied. This image is using the same revision as the one already
anointed, but without the loader delay. I've run an examine flight
with the image, and it passed on all the hosts, it's flight 115723
(there are other issues with not being able to fetch the logs due to a
mess up with my ssh keys, those can be ignored).

So I think now Ian can run another examine flight, with blessing real
that will hopefully succeed on all the boxes.

After that the rest of the series should be pushed, and
`cr-daily-branch freebsd-master` should be added to the cron job.

Note that currently due to issues on upstream the build will fail.
This is expected and I've already sent a bug report upstream [0]. I
expect it will get fixed at some point.

Thanks, Roger.


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