
on the hackathon we also discussed possibly changing the versioning
of Xen. The main rationale for the proposal is that (just like in many
other software projects) version numbers (in particular the major
one) currently don't really convey much information. The proposal is
to take gcc's new versioning scheme as a basis (i.e. I'm not going to
claim that the below is an exact copy of theirs): Major releases
always increment the major version number. Minor version 0 is
reserved to the development cycle, i.e. the first release in any
release series would be 5.1.0. RCs would be expressed through the
3rd digit, i.e. the first RC of the currently being worked on release
would be 5.0.1 (there was some debate as to whether, despite
being redundant, to attach -rc1 to it to make clear this is not an
actual release).

So comparing current and new schemes things would go

        OLD                     NEW
        4.6-unstable            5.0-unstable (or 5.0.0)
        4.6.0-rc1                       5.0.1 (-rc1)
        ...                     ...
        4.6.0-rcN                       5.0.N (-rcN)
        4.6.0                   5.1.0
        4.6.1-rc1                       5.1.1 (-rc1)
        ...                     ...
        4.6.1                   5.2.0

This additionally has the benefit that taking only the numeric
part of the version string then would sort properly.

Any comments or alternative proposals are welcome.

Regards, Jan

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