On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 12:16:56PM +0100, wei.l...@citrix.com wrote:


> == Blocker ==
> == Hypervisor ==


> *  Xen multiboot2-EFI support (ok)
>    See http://lists.xen.org/archives/html/xen-devel/2015-01/msg03962.html
>     http://lists.xen.org/archives/html/xen-devel/2015-01/msg03982.html
>   -  Daniel Kiper

I have finished all internal work this week. Now I am fully focusing on
this project. I taken into account all comments to v1 (there are left few
minor things which require some more work but they are not so important at
this stage). Currently I am working on Xen early boot code relocatability.
I have working PoC but Andrew and Jan have objections in regards to some
solutions used in it. It is related to %ebp register usage in general
but also command line parsing code. New solutions for these issues have
to be found. I am working on it but this is quite difficult.

Additionally, GRUB2 code should be reworked. PoC for new functionality works.

I think that we are not able to get this stuff into 4.6. All major issues
are solved (or at least we have working PoC) but there is not chance that
we could have GRUB2 changes accepted in 2 weeks (or at least have them ready
due to current work on Xen early boot code relocatability). During Xen
Hackathon we agreed that we should not accept Xen changes which require
multiboot2 changes which are not in GRUB2 upstream yet. So, first of all
we must try to get this changes into upstream and then get Xen patches.

Taking into account above, I think that this should not be a blocker for 4.6.
This task should be moved to 4.7 (or whatever will be next). I think that at
this stage of development inclusion in next release after 4.6 is possible.


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