Il 11/10/2015 16:54, Wei Liu ha scritto:
On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 03:08:54PM +0200, Fabio Fantoni wrote:
there was an error in generated config/ I solved manually (replacing
@debug@ with y), already reported here:

That one is a real bug and I've posted patch for it with you CC'ed.

Thanks, now I'll test it to be sure is all ok with it.
For the others see below.

I enabled xen services with systemd:
systemctl enable xencommons
systemctl enable xendomains
I missed or did wrong something?

And used this grub entry:
menuentry 'Jessie con Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 e XEN 4.6 - RAID' --class
debian --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
        set root='(lvm/RAID-ROOT)'
        echo    'Caricamento Hypervisor Xen 4.6...'
        multiboot       /boot/xen.gz placeholder dom0_mem=2G,max:2G
Make sure xen.gz is pointing to xen 4.6 file.

Yes or will not start and is the only build I did on full clean system.

        echo    'Caricamento Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64...'
        module  /boot/vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-amd64 placeholder
root=/dev/mapper/RAID-ROOT ro quiet
        echo    'Caricamento ramdisk iniziale...'
        module  --nounzip /boot/initrd.img-3.16.0-4-amd64
I tried to remove swiotlb=65762 from kernel parameters used for year as
workaround that I not remember good, should be still neded?

Not sure.

Is there someone can reply me about it please?

DomU fails to start:
deregister slotnum=3
libxl: debug: libxl_device.c:937:device_backend_callback: calling
libxl: debug: libxl_event.c:691:libxl__ev_xswatch_deregister: watch
w=0x1828820: deregister unregistered
libxl: error: libxl.c:1972:libxl__get_domid: failed to get own domid
libxl: error: libxl_device.c:987:device_hotplug: Failed to get domid
I think this is toolstack domain trying to get it's own domain id.
And this leads to other errors.

But there are strange things:
xl list
Name                                        ID   Mem VCPUs State   Time(s)
(null)                                       0  2048     8 r-----
Was xen-init-dom0 service started? I doubt that because there wasn't
/local/domain/0/domid in your xenstore dump.

Yes, you are right:
systemctl status xen-init-dom0
xen-init-dom0.service - xen-init-dom0, initialise Dom0 configuration (xenstore nodes, JSON configuration stub) Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/xen-init-dom0.service; disabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)

systemd support need improvement or documentation like this page:

I did this following it:
systemctl enable xencommons
systemctl enable xendomains
But seems don't include/enable all needed deps.

Can someone tell me exactly what is the solution please? the patch for it (if needed, I don't know good systemd) and/or things missed to do for fully enable it (to add also in docs)

tool = ""
xenstored = ""
local = ""
domain = ""
  0 = ""
   device-model = ""
    0 = ""
     state = "running"
   backend = ""
    vbd = ""
     1 = ""
      768 = ""
       frontend = "/local/domain/1/device/vbd/768"
       params = "/mnt/vm/disks/W10.disk1.xm"
       script = "/etc/xen/scripts/block"
       frontend-id = "1"
       online = "1"
       removable = "0"
       bootable = "1"
       state = "6"
       dev = "hda"
       type = "phy"
       mode = "w"
       device-type = "disk"
       discard-enable = "1"
      832 = ""
       frontend = "/local/domain/1/device/vbd/832"
       params = "/mnt/vm/iso/Windows10pro64bit.iso"
       script = "/etc/xen/scripts/block"
       frontend-id = "1"
       online = "1"
       removable = "1"
       bootable = "1"
       state = "6"
       dev = "hdb"
       type = "phy"
       mode = "r"
       device-type = "cdrom"
       discard-enable = "0"
vm = ""
libxl = ""
data about a domU not started correctly...

I not understand what is exactly is wrong.

Checking xen services I found a xendriverdomain service added recently but
not in systemd:;a=commit;h=2909ad4c96ba5527b35ac87c089116cd0320a5e7
is this needed but missed in systemd support?

That's irrelevant to your problem because you weren't using driver


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