On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 11:35 AM, Tianyang Chen <ti...@seas.upenn.edu> wrote:
> On 1/15/2016 10:33 AM, Meng Xu wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 2:57 AM, Tianyang Chen <ti...@seas.upenn.edu> wrote:
>>> On 12/31/2015 8:44 AM, Meng Xu wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 6:20 PM, Tianyang Chen <ti...@seas.upenn.edu> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Budget replenishment is now handled by a dedicated timer which is
>>>>> triggered at the most imminent release time of all runnable vcpus.
>>>>> Changes since V1:
>>>>>       None
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Tianyang Chen <ti...@seas.upenn.edu>
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Meng Xu <men...@cis.upenn.edu>
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Dagaen Golomb <dgol...@seas.upenn.edu>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>    xen/common/sched_rt.c |  159 
>>>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
>>>>>    1 file changed, 95 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)
>>>>> diff --git a/xen/common/sched_rt.c b/xen/common/sched_rt.c
>>>>> index 4372486..d522272 100644
>>>>> --- a/xen/common/sched_rt.c
>>>>> +++ b/xen/common/sched_rt.c
>>>>> @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
>>>>>    #include <xen/delay.h>
>>>>>    #include <xen/event.h>
>>>>>    #include <xen/time.h>
>>>>> +#include <xen/timer.h>
>>>>>    #include <xen/perfc.h>
>>>>>    #include <xen/sched-if.h>
>>>>>    #include <xen/softirq.h>
>>>>> @@ -147,6 +148,16 @@ static unsigned int nr_rt_ops;
>>>>>     * Global lock is referenced by schedule_data.schedule_lock from all
>>>>>     * physical cpus. It can be grabbed via vcpu_schedule_lock_irq()
>>>>>     */
>>>>> +
>>>>> +/* dedicated timer for replenishment */
>>>>> +static struct timer repl_timer;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +/* controls when to first start the timer*/
>>>> missing a space between * and / at the end of this line.
>>>>> +static int timer_started;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +/* handler for the replenishment timer */
>>>>> +static void repl_handler(void *data);
>>>>> +
>>>>>    struct rt_private {
>>>>>        spinlock_t lock;            /* the global coarse grand lock */
>>>>>        struct list_head sdom;      /* list of availalbe domains, used for 
>>>>> dump */
>>>>> @@ -426,6 +437,7 @@ __runq_insert(const struct scheduler *ops, struct 
>>>>> rt_vcpu *svc)
>>>>>    static int
>>>>>    rt_init(struct scheduler *ops)
>>>>>    {
>>>>> +    const int cpu = smp_processor_id();
>>>> Did the "cpu" be used? If not, please remove it here.
>>>>>        struct rt_private *prv = xzalloc(struct rt_private);
>>>>>        printk("Initializing RTDS scheduler\n"
>>>>> @@ -454,6 +466,8 @@ rt_init(struct scheduler *ops)
>>>>>        ops->sched_data = prv;
>>>>> +    init_timer(&repl_timer, repl_handler, ops, 0);
>>>>> +
>>>>>        return 0;
>>>>>     no_mem:
>>>>> @@ -473,6 +487,9 @@ rt_deinit(const struct scheduler *ops)
>>>>>            xfree(_cpumask_scratch);
>>>>>            _cpumask_scratch = NULL;
>>>>>        }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    kill_timer(&repl_timer);
>>>>> +
>>>>>        xfree(prv);
>>>>>    }
>>>>> @@ -635,6 +652,13 @@ rt_vcpu_insert(const struct scheduler *ops, struct 
>>>>> vcpu *vc)
>>>>>        /* add rt_vcpu svc to scheduler-specific vcpu list of the dom */
>>>>>        list_add_tail(&svc->sdom_elem, &svc->sdom->vcpu);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    if(!timer_started)
>>>> space should be added..
>>> Thanks, Meng. I will fix that.
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        /* the first vcpu starts the timer for the first time*/
>>>>> +        timer_started = 1;
>>>>> +        set_timer(&repl_timer,svc->cur_deadline);
>>>>> +    }
>>>>>    }
>>>>>    /*
>>>>> @@ -792,44 +816,6 @@ __runq_pick(const struct scheduler *ops, const 
>>>>> cpumask_t *mask)
>>>>>    }
>>>>>    /*
>>>>> - * Update vcpu's budget and
>>>>> - * sort runq by insert the modifed vcpu back to runq
>>>>> - * lock is grabbed before calling this function
>>>>> - */
>>>>> -static void
>>>>> -__repl_update(const struct scheduler *ops, s_time_t now)
>>>>> -{
>>>>> -    struct list_head *runq = rt_runq(ops);
>>>>> -    struct list_head *depletedq = rt_depletedq(ops);
>>>>> -    struct list_head *iter;
>>>>> -    struct list_head *tmp;
>>>>> -    struct rt_vcpu *svc = NULL;
>>>>> -
>>>>> -    list_for_each_safe(iter, tmp, runq)
>>>>> -    {
>>>>> -        svc = __q_elem(iter);
>>>>> -        if ( now < svc->cur_deadline )
>>>>> -            break;
>>>>> -
>>>>> -        rt_update_deadline(now, svc);
>>>>> -        /* reinsert the vcpu if its deadline is updated */
>>>>> -        __q_remove(svc);
>>>>> -        __runq_insert(ops, svc);
>>>>> -    }
>>>>> -
>>>>> -    list_for_each_safe(iter, tmp, depletedq)
>>>>> -    {
>>>>> -        svc = __q_elem(iter);
>>>>> -        if ( now >= svc->cur_deadline )
>>>>> -        {
>>>>> -            rt_update_deadline(now, svc);
>>>>> -            __q_remove(svc); /* remove from depleted queue */
>>>>> -            __runq_insert(ops, svc); /* add to runq */
>>>>> -        }
>>>>> -    }
>>>>> -}
>>>>> -
>>>>> -/*
>>>>>     * schedule function for rt scheduler.
>>>>>     * The lock is already grabbed in schedule.c, no need to lock here
>>>>>     */
>>>>> @@ -848,7 +834,6 @@ rt_schedule(const struct scheduler *ops, s_time_t 
>>>>> now, bool_t tasklet_work_sched
>>>>>        /* burn_budget would return for IDLE VCPU */
>>>>>        burn_budget(ops, scurr, now);
>>>>> -    __repl_update(ops, now);
>>>>>        if ( tasklet_work_scheduled )
>>>>>        {
>>>>> @@ -889,7 +874,7 @@ rt_schedule(const struct scheduler *ops, s_time_t 
>>>>> now, bool_t tasklet_work_sched
>>>>>            }
>>>>>        }
>>>>> -    ret.time = MIN(snext->budget, MAX_SCHEDULE); /* sched quantum */
>>>>> +    ret.time = snext->budget; /* invoke the scheduler next time */
>>>>>        ret.task = snext->vcpu;
>>>>>        /* TRACE */
>>>>> @@ -1033,10 +1018,6 @@ rt_vcpu_wake(const struct scheduler *ops, struct 
>>>>> vcpu *vc)
>>>>>    {
>>>>>        struct rt_vcpu * const svc = rt_vcpu(vc);
>>>>>        s_time_t now = NOW();
>>>>> -    struct rt_private *prv = rt_priv(ops);
>>>>> -    struct rt_vcpu *snext = NULL; /* highest priority on RunQ */
>>>>> -    struct rt_dom *sdom = NULL;
>>>>> -    cpumask_t *online;
>>>>>        BUG_ON( is_idle_vcpu(vc) );
>>>>> @@ -1074,14 +1055,7 @@ rt_vcpu_wake(const struct scheduler *ops, struct 
>>>>> vcpu *vc)
>>>>>        /* insert svc to runq/depletedq because svc is not in queue now */
>>>>>        __runq_insert(ops, svc);
>>>>> -    __repl_update(ops, now);
>>>>> -
>>>>> -    ASSERT(!list_empty(&prv->sdom));
>>>>> -    sdom = list_entry(prv->sdom.next, struct rt_dom, sdom_elem);
>>>>> -    online = cpupool_scheduler_cpumask(sdom->dom->cpupool);
>>>>> -    snext = __runq_pick(ops, online); /* pick snext from ALL valid cpus 
>>>>> */
>>>>> -
>>>>> -    runq_tickle(ops, snext);
>>>>> +    runq_tickle(ops, svc);
>>>>>        return;
>>>>>    }
>>>>> @@ -1094,10 +1068,6 @@ static void
>>>>>    rt_context_saved(const struct scheduler *ops, struct vcpu *vc)
>>>>>    {
>>>>>        struct rt_vcpu *svc = rt_vcpu(vc);
>>>>> -    struct rt_vcpu *snext = NULL;
>>>>> -    struct rt_dom *sdom = NULL;
>>>>> -    struct rt_private *prv = rt_priv(ops);
>>>>> -    cpumask_t *online;
>>>>>        spinlock_t *lock = vcpu_schedule_lock_irq(vc);
>>>>>        clear_bit(__RTDS_scheduled, &svc->flags);
>>>>> @@ -1108,15 +1078,8 @@ rt_context_saved(const struct scheduler *ops, 
>>>>> struct vcpu *vc)
>>>>>        if ( test_and_clear_bit(__RTDS_delayed_runq_add, &svc->flags) &&
>>>>>             likely(vcpu_runnable(vc)) )
>>>>>        {
>>>>> +        /* only insert the pre-empted vcpu back*/
>>>>>            __runq_insert(ops, svc);
>>>>> -        __repl_update(ops, NOW());
>>>>> -
>>>>> -        ASSERT(!list_empty(&prv->sdom));
>>>>> -        sdom = list_entry(prv->sdom.next, struct rt_dom, sdom_elem);
>>>>> -        online = cpupool_scheduler_cpumask(sdom->dom->cpupool);
>>>>> -        snext = __runq_pick(ops, online); /* pick snext from ALL cpus */
>>>>> -
>>>>> -        runq_tickle(ops, snext);
>>>>>        }
>>>>>    out:
>>>>>        vcpu_schedule_unlock_irq(lock, vc);
>>>>> @@ -1167,6 +1130,74 @@ rt_dom_cntl(
>>>>>        return rc;
>>>>>    }
>>>>> +static void repl_handler(void *data){
>>>>> +    unsigned long flags;
>>>>> +    s_time_t now = NOW();
>>>>> +    s_time_t min_repl = LONG_MAX; /* max time used in comparison*/
>>>>> +    struct scheduler *ops = data;
>>>>> +    struct rt_private *prv = rt_priv(ops);
>>>>> +    struct list_head *runq = rt_runq(ops);
>>>>> +    struct list_head *depletedq = rt_depletedq(ops);
>>>>> +    struct list_head *iter;
>>>>> +    struct list_head *tmp;
>>>>> +    struct rt_vcpu *svc = NULL;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    spin_lock_irqsave(&prv->lock,flags);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    stop_timer(&repl_timer);
>>>> Move the stop_timer before spin_lock_irqsave() since no more than one
>>>> core will run this handler in the current design.
>>> Right. We want the critical section as short as possible.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    list_for_each_safe(iter, tmp, runq)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        svc = __q_elem(iter);
>>>>> +        if ( now < svc->cur_deadline )
>>>>> +            break;
>>>>> +        rt_update_deadline(now, svc);
>>>>> +        /* scan the runq to find the min release time
>>>>> +         * this happens when vcpus on runq miss deadline
>>>>> +         */
>>>>> +        if( min_repl> svc->cur_deadline )
>>>>> +        {
>>>>> +            min_repl = svc->cur_deadline;
>>>>> +        }
>>>> The logic here is incorrect. The comment you put is correct, but the
>>>> code didn't reflect the comment.
>>>> When the timer's handler is called, now should be equal to min_repl,
>>>> shouldn't it?
>>>> If now = min_repl, this if statement will never be called because the
>>>> loop stops if ( now < svc->cur_deadline ).
>>> Yes the handler will be invoked when it was programmed to but the value of 
>>> min_repl is set to be LONG_MAX initially. It doesn't preserve values. 
>>> Therefore, the IF statement is feasible.
>> Hmm, let's have a look  at the logic...
>> the min_repl. will only be possibly updated to svc->cur_deadline when
>> now >= svc->cur_deadline, right?
>> In other words, min_repl will  only be possibly updated to a time
>> point before now. Shouldn't the min_repl be the earliest time *in the
>> future* that the handler should be triggered? If not, what is the
>> definition/meaning of min_repl here?
>> At the end of the function, you did reprogram the timer to min_repl.
>>         /* reprogram the timer using the most imminent release time*/
>>         set_timer(&repl_timer, min_repl);
>> So I think the logic is incorrect here...
>> You should first update the budget and deadline of each VCPUs in runq,
>> depletedq and running VCPUs, and (then) find the earliest time in the
>> future when the handler should be triggered.
> Yeah. Although the next release time was actually found after a vcpu was 
> replenished. If the runq still has vcpus pending but not missing a deadline, 
> the break statement on the first iteration will not check the release time.
> Since the runq is sorted, it's easier to just pick the next one after both 
> runq and depletedq are updated.
>>>> Only after you have replenished the vcpus on runq and depletedq,
>>>> should you pick the earliest deadline of the front vcpus at the runq
>>>> and depletedq as the min_repl.
>>>> Please correct me  if I missed anything. :-)
>>>>> +        /* reinsert the vcpu if its deadline is updated */
>>>>> +        __q_remove(svc);
>>>>> +        __runq_insert(ops, svc);
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    list_for_each_safe(iter, tmp, depletedq)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        svc = __q_elem(iter);
>>>>> +        if ( now >= svc->cur_deadline )
>>>>> +        {
>>>>> +            rt_update_deadline(now, svc);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +            /* scan the delp_q to find the minimal release time */
>>>>> +            if(min_repl > svc->cur_deadline)
>>>>> +            {
>>>>> +                min_repl = svc->cur_deadline;
>>>>> +            }
>>>> Please see the above comment. It may have the same issue here.
>>>> In addition, the current running VCPUs on cores also need to replenish
>>>> their budgets at the beginning of their next periods. Those running
>>>> VCPUs are not in runq or depletedq in the current RTDS scheduler. So
>>>> this patch won't replenish the current running VCPUs' budget until
>>>> they are put back to runq or depletedq, which is incorrect. Think
>>>> about the following  scenario: a VCPU with very small period  has a
>>>> task always running on it to keep this vcpu always runnable; This VCPU
>>>> has its period equal to its budget. Suppose this VCPU is the only VCPU
>>>> on a 4 core machine. This VCPU should keep running on one core and
>>>> never be put back to runq. In the current code, this VCPU won't have
>>>> its budget replenished. Right? :-)
>>>> You can choose one of the following three approaches to fix it:
>>>> a) add the running VCPUs into the runq
>>>> b) use another queue to keep track of the current running VCPUs
>>>> c) just scan each core (in the cpupool) to get the current running VCPU on 
>>>> it.
>>>> I personally prefer c) but I'm looking forward to others' opinion. :-)
> I experimented a little bit with adding a runningq to keep track of all 
> running vcpus. A vcpu will be inserted when it's picked as snext in 
> rt_schedule(). It will be removed from runningq after the context switch is 
> finished in context_saved(). Also, a currently running vcpu could be marked 
> as RUNSTATE_offline in sleep() and added back to runq in wake(). Does this 
> sound reasonable if we were to use a q to keep track of running vcpus?

I think so. The name of that queue can be runningq, IMHO.

>>>>> +            __q_remove(svc);
>>>>> +            __runq_insert(ops, svc);
>>>>> +            runq_tickle(ops, svc);
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    /* if timer was triggered but none of the vcpus
>>>>> +     * need to be refilled, set the timer to be the
>>>>> +     * default period + now
>>>>> +     */
>>>> Hmm, when could this happen? If it could happen, please specify the 
>>>> situation.
>>>> Otherwise, it may be better to print a warning (or cause crash?) when
>>>> you set the timer to be default period + now?
>>>> I'm not quite sure which is better, warning or crash?
>>>>> +    if(min_repl == LONG_MAX)
>>>>> +    {
>>>>> +        set_timer(&repl_timer, now + RTDS_DEFAULT_PERIOD);
>>>>> +    }
>>>> Hmm,
>>>> when could this happen? The only situation in my mind is that there is
>>>> no vcpus in the cpupool. But if that is the case, shouldn't the timer
>>>> never be triggered? Then this handler will never be called.
>>> This is actually still a question for me. When I was testing the code in a 
>>> virtual machine, it happens when the system boots up. I am guessing it's 
>>> related to the same problem in nested-virtualization (just guessing). When 
>>> I tested it on a real machine, it locks up and won't even respond to any 
>>> key-board events.
>> First, we care about the real machine scenario. It should always run
>> well on real machine. The scheduler design didn't consider the
>> nest-virt. situation, so it is ok for now to have performance
>> degradation or issues in nest-virt. situation, IMHO.
>> Second, the reason why it locks up is probably because the timer of
>> the replenish handler is not correctly set up as I pointed out above.
>> So try to fix the above issue first and see if this still occurs.
> Right, sometimes there is no vcpus on q at all because when the timer is 
> programmed to trigger, a running vcpu hasn't been added back to the q yet. In 
> this situation, correct me if I'm wrong, the repl_handler is called before 
> the context switch is finished. However, scanning the currently running vcpus 
> can fix this.



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